In general I’m offering two cathegories of rooms: rehearsal rooms for Bands and practice rooms for single
All bandrooms are eaquipped with a drumset, a small PA (Mixer with Amp and Speakers), 2 guitar Amps and
a bass amp. Anyone who doesn’t know how to use the equipment can feel free to ask me, oral explanations
or the users manual of the pruducer are part of my service.
You should bring the following items with, if you intend to use them: your instruments (except drums) and
cables, microphones, drumsticks, plecs, picks, tuners, recording devices etc.
In some of the bandrooms there is a refridgerator, so that you can drink something cool at a hot session,
don’t forget to bring the drinks with you.
The practising rooms are equipped with a drumset and a PA for playing playbacks. In one of these rooms
the drumset is set up for lefthanded players. You may practise any instrument in here, the rooms are not
limited to drumming.